Effective marketing leads to membership growth and engagement. Learn more about ACBL’s marketing strategies, programs and resources below.
Want to keep up with the latest happenings at ACBL?

- Logos & Usage
- Media Kit
- Cooperative Advertising
- Incentives
- Brochures and Pamphlets
- Email Services
- Scam Alert
ACBL Brand Personality
The values and goals of ACBL are reflected in its brand personality. Through consistent visual elements, ACBL can establish that it is educational, fun, supportive, enthusiastic, club-centered and historical. Following the standards set in this guide will ensure that this identity is conveyed consistently and recognizably.
Brand Standard and Usage Guide
The ACBL has developed the Brand Standards and Usage Guide to ensure the organization’s brand personality is preserved across all platforms and in communications at all levels to both current and prospective members. The guide describes the correct usage of ACBL logos and seals as well as the official color palette.
ACBL Logo and Seal Usage
Teachers, clubs, units and districts approved by the ACBL may use its logo and seal as shown below when creating bridge-related ads, fliers or similar communications so longs as such use is in compliance with ACBL’s Brand Standards and Usage Guide. Scroll through to see all logos and seals, use the buttons to download the files.
Other Logos
Coming Soon!

CAP/Facebook Ads
You do the advertising. We’ll help pay!
The Cooperative Advertising Program (CAP) partially reimburses bridge teachers, club, units and districts for advertising expenses so long as they promote programs and lessons designed for bridge newcomers and/or to recruit ACBL members. CAP will refund 50% of eligible advertising costs with a maximum amount of $500. Qualifying advertisements must be date-specific and use approved ACBL logos. Note: Teachers cannot take advantage of both Boost and CAP for the same course.- Complete CAP reimbursement form located here.
- Tear sheets from newspaper or magazine, printed flier or brochure
- Dated PAID invoice or receipt
- Written request for CAP reimbursement that includes the Club #, Club name, district #, unit # and contact information
- The advertisement must be for date-specific newcomer programs, beginner bridge lessons, social bridge recruitment events or ACBL membership recruitment.
- All advertisements must contain the full CAP approved logo. No exceptions.
- Reimbursements are made on a per Date-Specific Ad Campaign basis. A “Date-Specific Ad Campaign” for purposes of this program is defined as follows:A planned program that uses an advertising message (or a combination of multiple advertisements, commercials, and related promotional materials and activities) that may or may not be communicated across multiple media channels (newspaper, radio, TV, etc.) and are designed to be used during the same period of time as part of a coordinated advertising plan to meet a specified objective.
- The cost of a Date-Specific Ad Campaign is defined as being the total advertisement placement costs for all mediums used (radio, newspaper, fliers, etc.) for a specifically dated set of beginning bridge lessons, or specifically dated newcomer program, social bridge recruitment event or a specifically dated ACBL membership recruitment drive. The maximum dollar amount you would be reimbursed is $500. Reimbursements will be in US Dollars.An example of ONE (1) Date-Specific Ad Campaign would be: Planned Program: Beginning Bridge Lessons Period of time: May 1, 2021 Media Channels: Newspaper ads, Radio Spot, FliersExample of how the cost for the above Date-Specific Ad Campaign might be reimbursed: Cost of Newspaper ads: $500 Radio Spot: $500 Fliers: $200 Total Cost: $1,200 The above example would be considered one (1)Date-Specific Ad Campaign using multiple mediums. And the reimbursement would be calculated as follows:50% of $1,200 = $600 MAXIMUM REIMBURSEMENT AMOUNT = $500 Since 50% of the above Date-Specific Ad Campaign cost exceeds the $500 maximum reimbursement allowed, the reimbursement for the above Date-Specific Ad Campaign would be the maximum allowed of $500.
- Copies of actual ads, dated receipts and/or detailed paid invoices must be submitted WITHIN 60 days of the date the ad ran. Copies of cancelled checks or credit card statements are not acceptable. Members and clubs must be in good standing in the ACBL to receive reimbursement.
- The ACBL staff reserves the right to judge eligibility for reimbursement and may, at their sole discretion, deny reimbursement for any and all submissions that they deem to be ineligible.
- Newspapers
- Magazines
- Direct mail pieces (Excluding Postage)
- Catalogs
- Posters/fliers for public distribution
- Billboards
- Television
- Radio
- Online commercial websites
- Targeted Facebook ads
- Ads placed in the Bridge Bulletin
- Calendars
- Tournament schedules, fliers or emails
- Email campaigns such as Pianola or Constant Contact
- Teacher, club, unit or district newsletters or emails
- Postage
- Club, unit or district directories
- Supplies (i.e., labels, envelopes, printer ink cartridges, etc.)
- Building signage
- Promotional or specialty items (i.e., pens, pencils, coffee mugs, T-shirts, etc.)
- Business cards and letterhead
- Submit proposed ad, flier, etc to be pre-approved via email to with “Attention: CAP Approval”.
- You will receive notification that your request has been approved or disapproved via email.
- Allow five (5) business days for approval/disapproval notification.
How to Submit Reimbursement Documentation:
- Complete CAP reimbursement form located here.
- Send a copy of the dated paid invoice(s) and/or receipt(s) along with the following to the ACBL Marketing Department:
- The advertisement tear sheet(s) for newspaper ads. Do not cut out the ad or make a copy of the ad. We require the entire actual page(s) from the newspaper, magazine or other media containing the ad. PDF versions of tear sheets may be submitted via email.
- The actual brochure or flier that was printed.
- A copy of the script for radio (from the station) and a DVD if for television.
- A copy of the link or insertion order for online commercial websites.
- Your Name, ACBL member, club, unit or district NUMBER and daytime phone number or email address where you may be contacted and to whom the reimbursement check should be made payable. Remember, the check that is made payable to a club, unit or district will only be mailed to the person who is profiled in the ACBL data base under that club, unit or district -no exceptions.

I ♥ Bridge (Square)

I ♥ Bridge (Small)

Join the ♣ (Square)

Join the ♣ (Small)

Join the ♣ (8.5×11)

Game Face (Small)

Come Play (Small)

Come Play (Square)

Come Play (8.5×11)

Learn New Tricks (Square)

Learn New Tricks (Small)

Learn New Tricks (8.5×11)

Get in the Mix

Get in the Mix (Large)

Facebook Ads Webinar
Please use the primary logo if the logo can be at least 1½ inches wide and the logo seal for anything smaller than 1½ inches.
ACBL Recruiter

ACBL recruiters keep bridge thriving, and we want to show our appreciation. With our new Recruitment Incentives, we’ll award up to US$30 for each new member a registered recruiter brings to the ACBL!
Bigger bonuses paid more quickly
Under this new reward initiative, recruiters receive a US$10 bonus for each new ACBL member*, plus US$10 more when the member renews after the first year, and another US$10 if the member renews a second time. (Accordingly, a new three-year membership pays a one-time US$30 bonus.)At least twice a year, we’ll issue a check for the recruitment incentives balance.
* Incentives are not available for recruiting junior (under 26).
Who are our recruiters?
Teachers, Club Managers and active Club Directors are automatically registered as recruiters. In order to have the monetary incentives credited to their account, recruiters need to ensure that their member number is entered in the New Member Application form (either online or printed forms).
We depend on our recruiters to promote bridge at the local level as we work to serve all members. Together we can ensure a bright future for the game. —Joseph Jones, ACBL Executive Director
ACBL’s previous incentives will be gradually phased out (check the FAQ, question 4), so ACBL recruiters will be eligible to receive both incentive rewards for a certain period! Note that the upgraded club championship game awarded to recruiting clubs for every 10 new members is still available.
Questions or suggestions? Please contact us at
- Only active ACBL members (up-to-date with their membership dues/fees) can be ACBL recruiters
- Full-time ACBL employees are not eligible for recruitment incentives
- At present, monetary recruitment incentives can only be paid to individuals. We are evaluating the possibility of paying out to clubs in the future.
Recruiter FAQ
- Only active ACBL members (up-to-date with their membership dues/fees) can be ACBL recruiters
- Full-time ACBL employees are not eligible for recruitment incentives
- At present, monetary recruitment incentives can only be paid to individuals. We are evaluating the possibility of paying out to clubs in the future.

Email marketing is a great tool for promoting games, lessons and other events as well as keeping members informed on the latest news. While the ACBL is not able to send emails on behalf of teachers, clubs, units or districts, there is some contact information available to you depending on your role. This is accessible through your MyACBL portal. Please note the ACBL’s Terms of Use for allowable content and members allowed to be contacted.
Units and districts have access to Marketing Solutions, powered by Pianola, a tool with the permitted contact information preloaded, including the unique radius function. The platform also includes branded templates for units and districts to use. For more details and pricing, visit
Units and districts are not required to use Marketing Solutions, powered by Pianola. There are a variety of platforms (Constant Contact, Mail Chimp, etc.) that allow you to upload the permitted email addresses downloaded through the MyACBL portal.
The ACBL has been notified of members being solicited by ‘phishing scams.’ We take all of these instances serious and work hard to keep our sites safe. After any notification, we check our systems again.
FYI – just because a phishing email lands in your inbox, it doesn’t mean your computer is infected with a virus or malware. … Phishers might send emails to thousands of addresses every day, and if you reply to one of their messages, it confirms your email address is live. This makes you even more of a target. We appreciate you alerting us and helping to keep our network, and our people, safe from cyber threats.
Phishing” is the most common type of cyber-attack that affects organizations like ours. Phishing attacks can take many forms, but they all share a common goal – getting you to share sensitive information such as login credentials, credit card information, or bank account details, or to simply send money or gift cards.
“Phishing” is the most common type of cyber-attack that affects organizations like ours. Phishing attacks can take many forms, but they all share a common goal – getting you to share sensitive information such as login credentials, credit card information, or bank account details.
Outlined below are a few different types of phishing attacks to watch out for:
- Phishing: In this type of attack, hackers impersonate a real company to obtain your login credentials. You may receive an e-mail asking you to verify your account details with a link that takes you to an imposter login screen that delivers your information directly to the attackers.
- Spear Phishing: Spear phishing is a more sophisticated phishing attack that includes customized information that makes the attacker seem like a legitimate source. They may use your name and phone number and refer to ACBL in the e-mail to trick you into thinking they have a connection to you, making you more likely to click a link or attachment that they provide.
- Whaling: Whaling is a popular ploy aimed at getting you to transfer money or send sensitive information to an attacker via email by impersonating a real company executive. Using a fake domain that appears similar to ours, they look like normal emails from a high-level official of the company, typically members of the Executive Team, and ask you for sensitive information (including usernames and passwords).
- Shared Document Phishing: You may receive an e-mail that appears to come from file-sharing sites like Dropbox or Google Drive alerting you that a document has been shared with you. The link provided in these e-mails will take you to a fake login page that mimics the real login page and will steal your account credentials.
What You Can Do to avoid these phishing schemes, please observe the following email best practices:
- Do not click on links or attachments from senders that you do not recognize. Be especially wary of .zip or other compressed or executable file types.
- Do not provide sensitive personal information (like usernames and passwords) over email.
- Watch for email senders that use suspicious or misleading domain names.
- Inspect URLs carefully to make sure they’re legitimate and not imposter sites.
- Do not try to open any shared document that you’re not expecting to receive.
- If you can’t tell if an email is legitimate or not, please DO NOT RESPOND
- Be especially cautious when opening attachments or clicking links if you receive an email containing a warning banner indicating that it originated from an external source.
Be Aware of Potential Scams
Efforts to take your money are more sophisticated than ever before. The ACBL works hard to protect your privacy and security, but there are still opportunities for thieves to target you.
Below are examples of some of the scams we’ve seen.
COVID-19 Pandemic Information: Posing as legitimate organizations, cybercriminals send emails claiming to have the latest information regarding COVID-19 (novel coronavirus). The email messages might ask you to open an attachment to see the latest statistics. If you click on the attachment or embedded link, you’re likely to download malicious software onto your device.
The malicious software — malware, for short — could allow cybercriminals to take control of your computer, log your keystrokes, or access your personal information and financial data, which could lead to identity theft.
Unit/District Officer Needing Urgent Financial Support: Usually this comes in the guise of unit or district president sending an email asking for urgent help with a bill payment or bank transfer. Unit/district treasurers are often the target of this kind of attack. If in doubt, call to confirm the request is legit.
Prospect Student Sends Big Check: In this scam, an interested student reaches out to a teacher about setting up lessons and tries to make a deposit or pay for all lessons upfront with a check that is for an amount larger than you quoted. The scammer then will ask you to refund the extra amount, and the check will bounce. Not only will you lose the amount paid by the “student”, but you’ll often also be on the hook for the bounced check fee at your bank.
Attachment or Link You Aren’t Expecting: Another typical scam involves a scammer sending you an email with a link or file attached. These emails often look like they are coming from a person or company you know. The scammer is counting on you trusting the source of the email so that you’ll open the file or click on the link, potentially exposing your computer to malware or viruses.
Request to Purchase Gift Card: This scam is often directed at unit/district officers, but anyone could be targeted. In this scam, a request appears to come from someone you trust, like a fellow officer. The scammer asks you to purchase a gift card (often for the benefit of a charity) and then transmit the card number and pin number over the phone or via email. Do not share any payment information, including gift cards, over the phone or internet.
Protect Yourself
There are measures you can take to protect yourself:
- Never respond to the email with your personal information, including social security numbers and bank or credit card information.
- Never provide bank or credit card information via email.
- Don’t accept payment for more than the costs of lessons.
- Don’t download files (especially .exe files) that you aren’t expecting.
- Don’t click on links or attachments in an email that you aren’t expecting.
- Watch for spelling and grammatical mistakes, which are a likely sign of a phishing email.
- Look for generic greetings; phishing emails are unlikely to use your name.
- Be mindful of emails that insist you act immediately. Phishing emails often try to create a sense of urgency or demand immediate action.
Trust your instincts, and if you recognize a scam, report it at the FTC Complaint Assistant website. Fraud victims should always contact the local authorities immediately.
Useful Resources
The FTC also has a helpful list of “10 Things You Can Do to Avoid Fraud”.
You also can find more examples of scams and ways to protect yourself at the AARP Fraud Watch Network website, including The Perfect Scam℠, a podcast featuring leading fraud expert, Catch Me if You Can Frank Abagnale.
By using an ACBL logo, you acknowledge and agree that ACBL is the sole owner of the logo and that you will not interfere with or challenge ACBL’s rights in the logo, including but not limited to challenging ACBL’s use, registration or application for registration of such logo, alone or in combination with other words or designs, anywhere in the world, and that you will not harm or tarnish ACBL through your use of such logo. The goodwill derived from the use of any ACBL logo inures exclusively to the benefit of ACBL. Except for the limited right to use the ACBL logos as expressly permitted here, no other rights of any kind are granted by implication or otherwise. If you have any questions regarding the use of the ACBL logos or the ACBL Brand Standards, please contact ACBL at
Persons and entities other than ACBL approved teachers, clubs and units/districts are prohibited from using any ACBL trademarks or logos without the express written permission of ACBL.
Advertise in the Bridge Bulletin
The Bridge Bulletin is North America’s leading source of bridge information. It’s the monthly publication more than 150,000 ACBL members turn to for news, player tips, tournament schedules and results, and much more. Whether you want to target teachers, club managers and directors, casual players, fierce competitors or other companies, the Bridge Bulletin is the place to be.
Advertising DeadlinesIssue | Reserve By | Material Due By |
January | October 25 | November 1 |
February | November 25 | December 1 |
March | December 25 | January 1 |
April | January 25 | February 1 |
May | February 25 | March 1 |
June | March 25 | April 1 |
July | April 25 | May 1 |
August | May 25 | June 1 |
September | June 25 | July 1 |
October | July 25 | August 1 |
November | August 25 | September 1 |
December | September 25 | October 1 |
The Bridge Bulletin accepts camera-ready copy for publication (see specifications on the Rate Card). At the advertiser's option, the ACBL's Creative Services staff may design and produce ads for the Bridge Bulletin. Services offered include design and layout, as well as, proofreading. Cruise tournaments do not qualify for tournament ad rates. Ads at the tournament rates are not subject to time discounts or agency commissions.
The Bridge Bulletin is mailed usually about one week before the month of publication. We cannot guarantee timely delivery by the postal services. Units and Districts advertising tournaments should consider normal delivery dates when planning advertising.
Contact the Advertising CoordinatorPhone: 662-253-3811

Use buttons to download the logo you need. Reference the ACBL’s Brand Standards and Usage Guide for tips on which format and color to use.
Use buttons to download the logo you need. Reference the ACBL’s Brand Standards and Usage Guide for tips on which format and color to use.
Use buttons to download the logo you need. Reference the ACBL’s Brand Standards and Usage Guide for tips on which format and color to use.

Use buttons to download the logo you need. Reference the ACBL’s Brand Standards and Usage Guide for tips on which format and color to use.
Use buttons to download the logo you need. Reference the ACBL’s Brand Standards and Usage Guide for tips on which format and color to use.
Use buttons to download the logo you need. Reference the ACBL’s Brand Standards and Usage Guide for tips on which format and color to use.
NABC Logo packages
Use the buttons below to download the branding guide and logos
Providence NABC Package Phoenix NABC Branding GuideFILE FORMAT TIPS
File formats used for the logos are:
- EPS (vector) – for large areas, for example building signage
- PNG (transparent background) – best for digital advertising needs
- JPG – best for printed advertising needs
- TIFF (transparent background) – best for printed advertising needs
Color types used for the logos are:
- Black– image is 100% Black (choose the best fi le format for your project)
- Navy – image is 100% Navy (choose the best file format for your project)
- White – image is 100% White (choose the best file format for your project)
- Pantone – color matching system required by some printers
- CMYK – ONLY used for printed materials
- RGB – ONLY used for digital material
Please use the primary logo if the logo can be at least 1½ inches wide and the logo seal for anything smaller than 1½ inches.